Sunday, August 4, 2013

Rule Breaker

sleeping during class

pedestrian crossing the road right below overpass

feeding animal

motorcycle supposed to take 2-3 people at once

drinking at a store when it is not allowed

happening in Indonesia... 
when people desperately want to avoid traffic jam

when dust bin can't hold litters anymore

Rule breakers, people who go against the law or public's rules. The purpose of breaking the rules can be positive or negative depending on someone's point of view. For example, sleeping during class is one of common school rules around the world. As from student's point of view, sleeping for a while can boost up their energy after a long day only sitting and listening but teachers will count it as impolite behaviour for not paying attention during class. Another sample is when pedestrians crossing the road without using overpass, people can be distraction for drivers while crossing right on the road will be so much easier yet faster than using the overpass. Especially when the road have less cars passing. Same goes for feeding animal at the zoo, when visitors count it as entertaining themselves, zookeeper would think it's dangerous and will harms the animals. On the other hand, there are so many rules broken because of people doing their things as they wish without considering the others thus giving disadvantages. Like when going opposite directions on the road just because they want to go home fast without traffic.

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