Thursday, September 26, 2013

Analogical Thinking

This week theme for journal is analogical thinking. It is about thinking analogically about things that should be developed or invented. Things are invented based on what has existed. Just for example, from a shape of log, people can invent a thing that is looks like log; usb thumb drive or a pillow, which is usually hard and can’t be used as a pillow. The other example is foot, people make a foot-shaped skateboard which is like a base to walk on and a foot-shaped candy which is never been imagined to be eaten. Thing that is commonly invented these days are the body-shaped things. Starting from bottle, clothes, etc. Sometimes what is inspired people is like a common things to improve that things already existed, to make people think about it even more. The other example is dog; there is a dog-shaped house, mat, clip, notes. Things invented also taken from animals or any other nature creature. Analogical thinking is similar to lateral thinking which is about thinking simple.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Making Faces

This week theme for journal is making faces. Look at things in different way, think that it has a personality and write a story about it. Like the first photo, it looks like a mad and scary air-con with the fan portrays its teeth. The air-con gets at people easily, that's why it always blowing people away with wind. The second photo is the happy wall; black speakers as the eyes, board with papers as the teeth. It's always been there to give people happiness whenever they are bored or feeling confuse during class. Third photo is the eater, it eats everything that given by pedestrians thus it left its 'mouth' open forever. Forth photo is the adaptor, it helps people charging their things through its nose and mouth. There is Mr. Holder as the fifth photo. People who take the bus would poke the eyes to hold on, that's why it looks alive when nobody's poking the eyes. Sixth photo is the cyclops from coffee maker, it keeps awake to give people coffee. The last photo is sleepy eyes, it feels sleepy because people use its eyes to make them smells good. All these characters will always change according to somebody's point of view.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Synesthesia, a neurological condition when one sensory leads the other sensory to something and people who has the experiences are known as synesthetes. There is a common form of synesthesia called color-graphemic synesthesia which letters or numbers are seen as colored. There is also another form of synesthesia called chromesthesia where sounds can also be seen as colored. It is said that loud tones are brighter than soft tones, and lower tones are darker than higher tones.
Ideasthesia, defined as sensing concepts or ideas. One common example of ideasthesia is when letters of the alphabet are associated with colors and determined by the meaning. For example, ‘1’ can be meant as ‘I’, ‘3’ as ‘E’, ‘4’ as ‘A’, etc. depending on the presented context.
Both synesthesia and ideasthesia are sometimes considered as disability. Synesthetes thought letters or numbers have a personality and it make them bad at math because synesthetes don’t want to expose a number by substract, adding, dividing, or multiplying ‘nice’ numbers to ‘bad’ numbers. On the other hand, if a synesthetes suffers in ear infection, it will be difficult for them to hear or understand what is happening in the world. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Forced Connection

Things that are totally different can be formed into something really new or able to make a development. The guy on the first photo, Hudson Prananjaya, is one of Indonesia's Got Talent contestant. He sings in two type of voices and designs his own costume. It really inspires everyone who has been thinking what will come out if male and female be mixed up. There is also a restaurant in Indonesia called Bibliotheque, which means library in French, that was used to be a library. Since it was old enough, they make use of it to give vintage feeling and beautifully formed a fine place to eat. To make a life simpler, people invent a mixture of fork-spoon-knife in one and it is made from plastic so everyone including kids can use it safely. There are also double sided glass which bigger size can be used to drink any kind of beverages while small size usually for a small shot like tequila, vodka, etc. There is one of the best forced connection thing in technology, SONY Digital Recording Binoculars. It is very useful to those who like to do adventure. While looking for things in binoculars, they could record it in high definition at the same time.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Lateral Thinking

Edward De Bono said, “Lateral thinking is solving problems through an indirect and creative approach, using reasoning that is not immediately obvious and involving ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional step-by-step logic.”. Like the photo of the rat finding a way in the maze, everyone should be able to solve thing laterally without overthinking. Problems that seem to be hard could be solved easily by thinking laterally.  Lateral thinking also can be used for developing or inventing things by combining existed ideas. For example, who ever imagine a fried ice cream? Flour coated frozen ice cream is quickly deep-fried in oil, which is results crispy shell around it. It gives you warm and cool feeling at the same time. Another example is the black noodle, people creatively use squid ink that often got dumped as a natural food coloring. Without giving the noodle certain taste. Besides the black noodle, there is also green noodle that made from veggies and red noodle from tomato. This is also a creative way in giving the kids nutritious meal. That is why we need to develop things that already existed to new one.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Mind Map

Mind map is a diagram that visually categorises information with branches. Mind map have many applications to daily life like in personal, education, business, etc. It can explains something into the detail simply, can be use to find way in solving problems, creates or develops creativity, make things be easily remembered with shorten details, of course with colours. Mind map is commonly made with various colours because the brain remembers things with colour faster. Making a mind map as a studying material before exam is such a good example because it will shorten the time reading long sentences into the point only, and the brain will quickly get the shape of mind map thus everything can be remembered well. Mind map also can be use in maintaining daily activities like planning routines, what to eat, what to watch, what to do in a unique way. This can also help somebody during brainstorming to write out ideas in short way but well-explained. Mind map has no right or wrong because various individuals can make their own mind map freely for benefit of themselves.

Saturday, August 10, 2013


Creativity technique which is to find a way or conclusion for a problem by thinking a lot of ideas spontaneously. There should be time set during brainstorming thus we can keep on thinking within' the time and could produce best and relevant ideas. There are two types of brainstorming, group and individual. Group brainstorming should not contains too many people and it is good because every individuals can provide different, various, unusual ideas that can become combined or improved ideas. Group brainstorming should defer criticism or judgement because it can affect group member's creativity including the teamwork. Encouragement, understanding, open-minded, are things needed within' the team. If ideas judging happened, it could results hesitation in giving ideas to the team. It is said that somehow individual brainstorming can be more effective than group one because an individual should think hard without any help from others like group brainstorming. However, as long as the person itself could focus on thinking of quality and quantity in solving the topic or problem, any type of brainstorming could work well.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Rule Breaker

sleeping during class

pedestrian crossing the road right below overpass

feeding animal

motorcycle supposed to take 2-3 people at once

drinking at a store when it is not allowed

happening in Indonesia... 
when people desperately want to avoid traffic jam

when dust bin can't hold litters anymore

Rule breakers, people who go against the law or public's rules. The purpose of breaking the rules can be positive or negative depending on someone's point of view. For example, sleeping during class is one of common school rules around the world. As from student's point of view, sleeping for a while can boost up their energy after a long day only sitting and listening but teachers will count it as impolite behaviour for not paying attention during class. Another sample is when pedestrians crossing the road without using overpass, people can be distraction for drivers while crossing right on the road will be so much easier yet faster than using the overpass. Especially when the road have less cars passing. Same goes for feeding animal at the zoo, when visitors count it as entertaining themselves, zookeeper would think it's dangerous and will harms the animals. On the other hand, there are so many rules broken because of people doing their things as they wish without considering the others thus giving disadvantages. Like when going opposite directions on the road just because they want to go home fast without traffic.