Thursday, September 26, 2013

Analogical Thinking

This week theme for journal is analogical thinking. It is about thinking analogically about things that should be developed or invented. Things are invented based on what has existed. Just for example, from a shape of log, people can invent a thing that is looks like log; usb thumb drive or a pillow, which is usually hard and can’t be used as a pillow. The other example is foot, people make a foot-shaped skateboard which is like a base to walk on and a foot-shaped candy which is never been imagined to be eaten. Thing that is commonly invented these days are the body-shaped things. Starting from bottle, clothes, etc. Sometimes what is inspired people is like a common things to improve that things already existed, to make people think about it even more. The other example is dog; there is a dog-shaped house, mat, clip, notes. Things invented also taken from animals or any other nature creature. Analogical thinking is similar to lateral thinking which is about thinking simple.

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